Der Blues-Song von Robert Johnson erschien 1937 bei Vocalion (03519) und ARC (7-05-81).
Ramblin’ on My Mind verwendet das klassische 12-taktige Bluesschema und wurde u.a. von Boyd Gilmore, Howlin’ Wolf, John Mayalls Bluesbreakers, Lucinda Williams, Simply Red und Eric Clapton gecovert.
I got ramblin’, I got ramblin’ on my mind
I got ramblin’, I got ramblin’ all on my mind
Hate to leave my baby, but you treats me so unkind
I got mean things, I got mean things all on my mind
Little girl, little girl, I got mean things all on my mind
Hate to leave you here, babe, but you treats me so unkind
Runnin’ down to the station, catch the first mail train I see
(spoken: I think I hear her comin’ now)
Runnin’ down to the station, catch the old first mail train I see
I got the blues about Miss So-and-So and the child got the blues about me
And I’m leavin’ this mornin’, with my arm’ fold’ up and cryin’
And I’m leavin’ this mornin’, with my arm’ fold’ up and cryin’
Hate to leave my baby, but she treats me so unkind
I got mean things, I’ve got mean things on my mind
I got mean things, I got mean things all on my mind
I got to leave my baby, well, she treats me so unkind
| Blues | Blues-Schema | Bluessong | Clapton, Eric | Cover-Version | Howlin’ Wolf | Johnson,Robert | Mayall,John | See | Simply Red | Songtext | Williams,Lucinda | Kategorie "Ramblin’ on My Mind"
Übergeordnete Kategorie: Bluessong |
Stand: 12.02.2025, letzte Änderung: 06.08.2018
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