Stilbildend für das Spiel des Jazz-Pianos waren u.a. Jelly Roll Morton, James P. Johnson, Fats Waller, Earl Hines, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Teddy Wilson, Art Tatum, Thelonious Monk, Bud Powell, Lennie Tristano, Bill Evans, Keith Jarrett, McCoy Tyner und Chick Corea. Zeittafel (1)
1917 17. März Der Jazzpianist und -sänger Nat "King" Cole wird in Montgomery/Alabama geboren Kontext
Ellington,Duke | Evans,Bill | Gumpert,Ulrich | Gunnlaugs,Sunna | Hamasyan,Tigran | Henderson,Fletcher | Hines,Earl | Jarrett,Keith | Johnson,James P. | Lüdemann,Hans | McAll,Barney | Mehldau,Brad | Powell,Bud | Rantala,Iiro | Renaud,Henri | Rubalcaba,Gonzalo | Scatman John | Tatum,Art | Tyner,McCoy | Wilson,Teddy | Kategorie "Jazzpianist"
Liste (188): Abrams,Muhal Richard | Ahvenlahti,Olli | Akiyoshi,Toshiko | Alexander,Monty | Allen,Geri | Allison,Mose | Alperin,Mikhail | Alsmann,Götz | Ammons,Albert | Barron,Kenny | Bärtsch,Nik | Basie,Count | Blake,Eubie | Bley,Carla | Bley,Paul | Bo,Eddie | Boland,Francy | Bolling,Claude | Bradford,Perry | Broadbent,Alan | Brookmeyer,Bob | Brubeck,Dave | Brüninghaus,Rainer | Bryant,Paul | Buckner,Milt | Burtnett,Earl | Butler,Henry | Caine,Uri | Camilo,Michel | Carmichael,Hoagy | Charles,Ray | Cicero,Eugen | Clark,Sonny | Coltrane,Alice | Connick Jr,Harry | Conte,Paolo | Corea,Chick | Cowell,Stanley | Cullum,Jamie | Dauner,Wolfgang | Dearie,Blossom | Deodato,Eumir | Domínguez,Chano | Dorsey,Thomas A. | Drew,Kenny junior | Duke,George | Dunlop,Boyd Lee | Ellington,Duke | Evans,Bill | Evans,Gil | Feather,Leonard | Fiorito,Ted | Flanagan,Tommy | Fonseca,Roberto | Friedman,Don | Gaillard,Slim | Garland,Red | Gilson,Jef | Glasper,Robert | Glawischnig,Dieter | Goldkette,Jean | Gruntz,George | Grusin,Dave | Gualazzi,Raphael | Gulda,Friedrich | Gumpert,Ulrich | Gunnlaugs,Sunna | Hale,Corky | Hamasyan,Tigran | Hammer,Jan | Hancock,Herbie | Hardin Armstrong,Lil | Harris,Barry | Henderson,Fletcher | Hines,Earl | Hof,Jasper van’t | Hülsmann,Julia | Hyman,Dick | Ignatzek,Klaus | Iverson,Ethan | Iyer,Vijay | Jackson,Tony | Jamal,Ahmad | James,Bob | Jankowski,Horst | Jarrett,Keith | Jazz-Piano | Jobim,Antônio | Johansson,Jan | Johnson,Dink | Johnson,James P. | Jones,Hank | Jones,Norah | Joplin,Scott | Kellaway,Roger | Kenton,Stan | Kirkland,Kenny | Klein,Guillermo | Klein,Omer | Krall,Diana | Kreusch,Cornelius Claudio | Kühn,Joachim | Kuhn,Paul | Lee,Julia | Legrand,Michel | Lewis,John | Lewis,Meade ’Lux’ | Loussier,Jacques | Lüdemann,Hans | Maneri,Joe | Marable,Fate | Marsalis,Ellis | Mays,Lyle | McAll,Barney | McCann,Les | McPartland,Marian | McShann,Jay | Mehldau,Brad | Mengelberg,Misha | Miller,Mulgrew | Mingus,Charles | Montgomery,Buddy | Moran,Jason | Morton,Jelly Roll | Moten,Bennie | Naura,Michael | Ozone,Makoto | Pauer,Fritz | Peterson,Oscar | Petrucciani,Michel | Piccioni,Piero | Powell,Bud | Previn,André | Pullen,Don | Rantala,Iiro | Renaud,Henri | Rivers,Sam | Roberts,Marcus | Rubalcaba,Gonzalo | Rückert,Thomas | Russell,George | Russo,Bill | Sample,Joe | Scatman John | Schifrin,Lalo | Schlippenbach,Alexander von | Schneider,Helge | Schweizer,Irène | Scott,James | Shearing,George | Silver,Horace | Slack,Freddie | Smith,Clarence | Sosa,Omar | Stacy,Jess | Stone,Peggy | Strayhorn,Billy | Sun Ra | Svensson,Esbjörn | Swingle,Ward | Tatum,Art | Taylor,Billy | Taylor,Cecil | Terrasson,Jacky | Thornhill,Claude | Timmons,Bobby | Tippett,Keith | Towner,Ralph | Tristano,Lennie | Troup,Bobby | Turpin,Tom | Tyner,McCoy | Valdés,Bebo | Valdés,Chucho | Valle,Ramon | Waller,Fats | Weatherford,Teddy | Weber,Vince | Wein,George | Wendt,Joja | Wesseltoft,Bugge | Williams,Clarence | Williams,Mary Lou | Williams,Spencer | Wilson,Garland | Wilson,Teddy | Wollny,Michael | Zwingenberger,Axel |
Übergeordnete Kategorien (3): Jazzmusiker | Jazz-Piano | Pianist |
Stand: 15.01.2025, letzte Änderung: 06.08.2018
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